There actually aren’t more fleas. The fleas you see are moving away from your pet’s skin as they die, creating the appearance of more fleas. This is a sign that the product is working.
No. DO NOT USE ANY PROVECTA ADVANCED FOR DOGS PRODUCT ON CATS. Keep cats away from treated dogs for 24 hours. If applied to a cat or ingested by a cat, contact your veterinarian immediately.
No. Do not apply to cats or kittens under eight weeks of age or weighing less than five pounds. Provecta II for Cats is available in two convenient sizes based on your cat’s weight, 5-9 pounds [...]
Under normal conditions, this product is effective for a month. However, in the case of a severe flea infestation, retreatment may be necessary earlier than four weeks. On cats, do not retreat [...]
Yes. Fleas are present year-round, even in colder climates. They are also found on indoor-only cats. And once you see one flea, chances are there are many more you haven’t seen.